You’re going to love using your library card at a Monarch Library!
GO DIGITAL WITH YOUR LIBRARY – Click each to learn more about our digital resources!
USE MONARCH CATALOG & VISIT YOUR LIBRARY – Need to know more? Keep scrolling!

MONARCH CATALOG offers more than 2.25 million library items that you can borrow for FREE! Libraries are here to share!
• Borrow items such as books, movies & TV series, video games, audiobooks & more.
• Many locations are getting creative with their collections and are lending out unexpected items: cake pans, air fryers, tools, puzzles, games, passes to area attractions & more. Check with your local library for information and availability!
Monarch Catalog is easy to use: Search for the items you want, place a hold, choose your pick up location, and you will be notified when your library items are ready to be picked up! If you prefer to choose your items in person, go to your local library to check out what they have in their collection and borrow what you want right away! If you want to check out one of those unexpected items, you will have to go to the owning library to pick up and drop off the item.
PROGRAMS (Offerings vary by location) There is always something to do at your local library! Here are a couple examples of things happening at many Monarch libraries:
• Storytimes and crafts for kids
• Clubs/groups: Such as book clubs, knitting groups, Lego clubs, teen advisory boards, STEM clubs, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
• Annual Reading Programs: Summer is the big one! In addition, some locations offer winter reading challenges and more
• Crafts for all ages: You will find a variety of crafting opportunities, some to be made at the library, others available in a kit to take home
• STEM opportunities: Whether it’s a special night of STEM activities planned or an area of the library dedicated to equipment to be used
anytime, you will find opportunities to get hands-on with science, technology, engineering, and math!
• Libraries like to invite special guests into the library: Authors, performers, local interest groups, animal educators, to name a few.
CONNECTING YOU TO WHAT YOU NEED! (Availability varies by location)
• Access to our Wi-Fi for free, at many locations you can even use it from the parking lot after hours!
• Use a computer or print documents/hard copies (nominal fee to cover consumables).
• Private/semi-private meeting and/or study spaces may be available.
• Love your library? Become an advocate and join a Friends of the Library group! Many Monarch libraries have established groups.
• Get connected to job help. Wisconsin libraries have partnered up with local Job Centers to help our communities find job resources.
Get started here:
Now that’s what I call enrichment and entertainment for our communities!
BadgerLink is for students, educators, spanish speakers, general public, you! From personal interest to educational research, BadgerLink offers Wisconsin residents access to trustworthy information! Visit to learn more. Here are some highlights:
• Student Research: Reliable sources such as encyclopedias, magazine/newspaper articles, reference, history, biographies, science reference
• Auto Repair: Service procedures, diagrams, diagnostic codes, specifications, and full-text reference books with photos and illustrations
• Test Prep: Whether it’s for college admissions, GED, career advancement, or U.S. Citizenship. BadgerLink can help you study!
• Magazines: Wait? Aren’t magazines available in Libby? Yes, but BadgerLink gives access to some content not available there…like Consumer Reports! Go on, compare those vehicles before you make that big purchase!
• Genealogy: Those family tree roots sure are deep! Find more ways to learn about your family history.