Monarch Catalog

Discover a Better Library Experience!

Monarch Catalog is your connection to all Monarch Libraries. Browse collections. Search content. Bookmark titles. Manage your physical and digital checkouts. Connect to your library. There’s so much to discover in Monarch Catalog:

Better Browsing

Look through featured lists of items selected by Monarch’s library experts! LEARN MORE

Better Bookmarks, Saved Searches, and Reading History

Organizing and keeping track of your library use is easier than ever! LEARN MORE

Better Connections to your Library

When logged in to your account, search results will display items from your home library first! LEARN MORE

Better Searching

See item formats and availability at-a-glance with smart search result tabs! LEARN MORE

Better Physical and Digital Libraries Together

Explore quick links to digital resources and see your library use (physical and digital items) all brought together! LEARN MORE

Better Content

Scroll beyond your search results to discover more about a series, author, recommended reading, related topics, reader and professional reviews, awards, and more! LEARN MORE

Learn more about Monarch Catalog by watching this video!