Transforming Library Service
Monarch Library System includes 32 member libraries (30 public, 1 academic, 1 bookmobile) in Dodge, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, and Washington counties. Monarch provides consortial prices for resources, a delivery service so libraries can share materials, leadership in areas of automation and telecommunication, manages the Monarch Catalog, and provides consulting services and access to quality continuing education programs for librarians. Monarch also brings bookmobile service to areas in Ozaukee and Sheboygan counties without a local public library.
Monarch Library System formed in January 2017 as the result of a merger between Eastern Shores Library System (Ozaukee and Sheboygan counties) and Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library System (Dodge and Washington counties).
System Services
Monarch Catalog/Monarch2Go App: Monarch Catalog card holders can access more than 2.3 million items from all member libraries. Monarch2Go app makes it easy to manage your library account and to stay connected on the go! Monarch works behind the scenes to keep the information in the catalog up to date and helps create a user-friendly experience for those individuals accessing library materials online.
Monarch Delivery: After library items are requested in Monarch Catalog or Monarch2Go, the items are borrowed from the owning library and delivered to the location selected for pick up! These library materials are transferred between our locations via Monarch’s 3 delivery trucks.
Technology: Monarch’s IT Department helps keep the libraries running smoothly by providing PC and network support, basic website support and hosting, installing and maintaining access points for internet and Wi-Fi in the libraries, and helps save money by organizing bulk orders of new library computers.
Marketing: Monarch creates plans and custom materials for promoting Monarch Catalog, Monarch2Go, and digital resources available to all Monarch libraries. We want you to know all about the neat free stuff we can share with you!
Youth Services: Monarch helps support the youth and teen programming at our libraries by connecting library staff with state resources, providing opportunities for collaboration and idea sharing, and securing thousands of incentive coupons to reward our readers that have succeeded in reaching reading goals!
Continuing Education (CE) and Consulting: Licensed librarians must earn continuing education credits to keep their credentials current according to state requirements. Monarch helps track these required hours and provides access to many different CE opportunities. Monarch staff also provides departmental consulting to member libraries.
Grants and Fiscal Services: Monarch staff works to secure grant funding for system projects when available. Grants fund extra opportunities for libraries to provide exceptional service to communities beyond their established budgets. Monarch acts as a fiscal agent for supplemental funds for system-wide services to member libraries.
Bookmobile: The Monarch Bookmobile is funded by Ozaukee and Sheboygan Counties to provide library services in communities that do not have a library. Check their schedule so you can find the Bookmobile at its next stop!
Year in Review

CLICK HERE for 2023 Report
CLICK HERE for 2022 Report
CLICK HERE for 2021 Report
CLICK HERE for 2020 Report
CLICK HERE for 2019 Report